
Forgive me music lords for I have sinned...

I told Rosey to go ahead and include me in the mass ticket purchase for tonight's Radiohead show at the old Riverport several months ago. I think I wanted a ticket because all of my friends were going. And, it's Radiohead...I'm supposed to be really into them, given what a music snob I am.

As the concert rolled nearer, I was having second thoughts about going. I mean, I just went to see The Swell Season last Tuesday. Wilco is this Friday. I have focus group notes to type and final exams to write and papers to grade and parents to visit and Z's to catch. Am I really that into Radiohead?

Someone e-mailed me a set list, and it turned out that I knew not three, not two, not one, but zero songs. Again, why did I buy a ticket to Radiohead?

Around six o'clock tonight, I made the executive decision: I'm just not that into Radiohead, and by Henry, I'm not going to the show. I am going to sit on my couch and get work done with trashy TV on in the background. And I am going to like it.

So, I guess you can remove the "music elitist" tag off my awesome concert tees now because I have committed the biggest sin of all. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Radiohead rules. The band is awesome live. It's probably my only chance to ever see them.

But, seriously, it was probably my only chance to see the season finale of America's Next Top Model, too.


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