
It pays to be young, hot, and Republican...

Before you read any more of this post, check out the necessary background information: Three's Company, Too!

Here is an e-mail I received from a reader about roomie Jables:

Hi Katie-

My name is Jen & I read the article & loved it. I too, share an affinity for the Style network & replacing meals with chips & salsa. My real question, though...does this Repbulican roommate of yours need a date? ;-) I've always got my eyes & ears open for hot young republican males. Sadly, there aren't many of them to be found. I'm trying to make it a goal---$ex up the republican party...and not with hot pages, either...Anyway, I enjoy reading your articles. Take-care!

There was also a lengthy thread of controversy on the site's message board about the impossibility of Jables, Rosey, and I living peacefully and platonically together. Pretty hilarious.


Blogger B. Solomon said...

Jables getting dates via your column - very nice. You could build him up to be near-God like status...nobody would know the difference, and girls would be dying to meet him.

Make it happen Katie - it would offer some great stories.

4:43 PM  
Blogger creeperjam said...

don't make him too hot though...we don't want the mark foley's of the world coming after the man!

7:11 PM  

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