
Too much of a good thing...

Last Thursday, I walked through Union Station with my brother and cousin Karie. We made our way across the bridge over the paddle boating pond and noticed the ten million koi fish swimming around. Karie was disgusted at the number of fish in the pond.

At first I didn't see what was so gross. I, for one, am particularly amazed at how big these fish can get. I love to watch their mouths open and close when you feed them, and I think it's hilarious how they fight each other for the prize of a dog food pellet.

But, after postponed consideration, I realized she had a point. Take almost any animal (outside of cute and fuzzy puppies, kittens, etc.) and multiply it by 100, and you reach a weird gross out level. Obviously, this works for any animal that is revolting on its own, like snakes, worms, maggots, snails, etc. But, even if you take a relatively normal animal, to whom you would otherwise be indifferent, and multiply it by 100...the outcome can reach disgusting proportions.

One fly is ok. 100 is not. One monkey is ok. 100 crawling all over each other while screaming monkey curse words is not. One mouse is ok. 100 scrambling through the same maze is not. One bird is ok. 100 swarming overhead, ready to pluck your eyeballs out is not.

100 koi fish are definitely not alright with Karie. And now, I'm not sure if they are ok by me. Although I would say my multiple animal threshold, in general, is very high.


Blogger Dinner said...

While I agree with what you are pushing, the prospect of 100 monkeys fills me with glee.

9:13 AM  
Blogger B. Solomon said...

To piggy-back Deeps...especially the monkeys that help people in times of need...I'm thinking Indiana Jones here. A large mass of helpful monkeys would be dope.

9:35 AM  

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