
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone...

I know you all are probably very worried about the state of St. Louis and its fellow inhabitants, so I thought that I would keep you updated.

Last night, Jables and I were still without power, along with Cheers Heavy, and Britt and Rod. So, after we all respectively got off work, we met at Kilkenny's to eat dinner and drink (in hopes that we could just pass out despite the suffocating heat inside each of our homes). We got tipsy and talked about what we would do if we got home from the bar to discover our power had been turned back on. It was decided that the best thing to do would be to immediately blast the air, put on a snowsuit, and then run around. Britt said that she'd probably yell "woo hoo."

Only Britt and Rodney were the lucky ones. Jables ended up crashing on their couch. Matt and I were too tipsy to get anywhere except his condo, which was nearby. We had our fingers crossed the entire way there that his power would be intact.

It was not. Instead, we took a cold shower with our clothes on and then slept head to toe on his queen bed. When he left for work this morning, I moved to the hardwood floor in front of the screened French door because there was a slight breeze.

It stormed again today, and a lot of the homes that had regained power lost it again. Trees are down everywhere. Luckily, Rod and Britt are still living the good life. I packed a bag and moved in. As I write, there is a blast of air coming from the vent under the computer desk. When I first felt it, I almost cried.

The best thing is that the Project Runway episode we missed on Wednesday night is coming on in 15 minutes. Hallelujah.


Blogger Dinner said...

PR = Power Restored = Project Runway

3:25 PM  
Blogger creeperjam said...

you know, the bits & pieces still line up head to toe!

36 - my panties never get in a bunch since i switched to a thong.

12:15 AM  
Blogger B. Solomon said...

Speaking of Project Runway, did anyone else think the dsimissal of Malan over Angela was simply a terrible decision?

Malan seemed to have real talent, even if his dress was extraordinarily busy at the top and he screwed up the length. Angela seems to have no ideas of her own. Just at look her "presentation," if you can call it that, with Ms. USA. After saying "I don't sketch" she pretty much asked inane questions that had no value - my favorite: "what do you think of gloves?"

I liked Malan and am sad to see him go.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Dinner said...

Yeah, I thought that B Angela should have been axed...

I laughed my ass off when Vincent called her by the wornf name. A relationship doomed from the start...

10:49 AM  
Blogger quank said...

malan is austin powers. he should have stayed. but he was also the one who tried out last year and he made it and then he decided not to do the show.

1:24 PM  

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