
And it's all over now, Baby Blue...

Today I read a short story that literally made my stomach knot up and turn upside down. It was Joyce Carol Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" I highly recommend taking advantage of the full-text version on the Internet. Click here. It's a quick read.

The interesting thing is that this story is dedicated to Bob Dylan. My professor told me that the lyrics from his song "Baby Blue" are easily recognizable throughout Oates' work. The song itself did not influence the author to initially create the story; however, Oates claims that "the haunting melody of 'Baby Blue' seemed to beautifully approximate the atmosphere of the story" during the writing process.

I am definitely not an expert on Bob Dylan, but I just read the lyrics to "Baby Blue" online. Combined with the story, I'm even more creeped out.


Blogger MJS said...

As I recall, and it's been a while, that Oates' story involves a creepy dude who's stalking a young girl ... or something ... very Andy Glarner-esque.

12:02 PM  
Blogger quank said...

more or less...the guy doesn't so much stalk her over a period of time, but he shows up at her home one day while her parents are gone. she has no choice but to leave with him. horrible would you rather situation.

3:39 PM  

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