
I hate George Costanza...

I am watching the Seinfeld episode in which George needs to read Breakfast at Tiffany's for his bookclub, but instead he decides to watch the movie. When he goes to the video store to check out the film, it has already been rented. He then goes to the person's home and asks if he can watch the movie with the renter and his daughter. This episode is a perfect example of why I hate George Costanza. I mean, my God. He is absolutely exhausting to watch; I just don't get it. Guys love him, think he's a great character. Women hate him.

This is an inherent difference in the sexes, and I'm convinced that it can all be traced back to our DNA makeup. I am missing the pro-George Costanza chromosome. All women are.


Blogger MJS said...

I think you're supposed to hate George Constanza the person, but love his character because he's hilarious.

10:41 PM  
Blogger Dinner said...

Is anyone really PRO-Costanza? I too, dislike many of his tendencies, but thats also why I loves me some Costanza storylines.

How can you deny the Art Vandelay Industries ep?

I also like the one with the Frogger machine and Slippery Pete.

6:52 PM  
Blogger quank said...

yeah, the frogger one also makes me want to beat his ass.

i'm jussayin...guys can appreciate the character (perhaps not like the character) more than girls can.

my bad for spelling his name wrong; i hope i still seem somewhat credible in your eyes. the errors have been fixed.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Bhawlu said...

Me too. He's just too irritating.

3:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a man and I hate George Costanza.

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm way late but seriously, i like seinfeld a lot but i too just cannot get around the idea of costanza being considered such a great character in sitcom when he is just so unbelievably detestable; i suppose that must be the premise of his character somehow, to impersonate all imaginable most petty and despicable aspects of human nature one might possibly think of - but that's also what makes him almost unbearable to watch really, to me at least - it's just too much! it's not like you loathe him but manage to accept getting on with the bizarre and funny storylines and wisecracks he brings about along the show; for really, those don't nearly make up for just how abominable his whole figure is, specially when you're a woman really! and the fact that he always somehow gets away with it, with being such an obnoxious degenerate is what really becomes infuriating...

2:41 PM  

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