
Damn you, Facebook, staight to hell...

So, I realize that this Facebook phenomenon isn't a brand-new thing...but it's only recently started to piss me off. I am in grad school at Lindenwood University to become certified to teach high school English. However, since my undergrad degree is Marketing, that means I lack many of the necessary English credits to actually teach the stuff. That also means that I go to class with 18- and 19-year olds. That, in turn, means that they are on Facebook all the time in the library. And I can't buy a seat at a computer because these skids are Facebookin' it up 24/7.

Tonight, at the shoe-slangin' store, the college skids wouldn't get off the Internets because Facebook was so enthralling. I've been told that MySpace is for the high school-aged, Facebook for the college skids, and blogs for old fogies like me.

Would I have participated heavily in Facebook, if it were available during my college years? I do know that leaving shout outs in the Buzz section of the Daily Illini was quite humorous. But, that's a hypothetical that I can't answer.

I just want to do my homework, conduct research for my upcoming certification tests, and read my friends' blogs. I don't want to wait in line for a seat in the computer lab because Joe College is checking out the hotties at Arizona State.


Blogger Dinner said...

Now that's a shout out I would have been all over like JB on an SDT.

11:11 PM  

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